Preparing Your Outdoor Tent Event for The Elements in Manitoba

If you are in the process of planning an outdoor tent event, you will probably find yourself feeling a little anxious or worried about what the weather will bring. In Manitoba, our weather can be unpredictable, often changing hours before a weather system is supposed to arrive. This can make it difficult to plan an outdoor event, but if you are prepared for the elements you will be able to host your event without a hitch. Here are 4 ways to prepare for the weather. 


Renting a tent with window sidewalls will provide you and your guests with the protection you need against any weather conditions. There's nothing worse than having napkins and belongings blowing around while you're enjoying a meal or conversation.

Sidewalls add style and function to your event tent, and have many benefits, including:

Protect from rain

In addition to preventing wind from entering your event, window sidewalls will keep your guests and tables dry if it rains. The last thing anyone wants is to attend an event and end up soaked due to the weather.

Keep guests warm

With the addition of sidewalls, it is easier to regulate the temperature inside a party tent and keep your guests comfortable. Further, tent sidewalls with windows will let your guests enjoy the outdoors while being protected from the weather.

Keep the air still

Any event can be ruined by a windy day, even if it isn't particularly cold. Your tent could be completely destroyed by heavy winds, blowing away decorations and other materials, and your guests would not be comfortable. Sidewalls enable you to shelter from the wind and keep the air still within your tent.

Fans & Heaters


If you want to keep guests cool at a tent event, the first rule is to keep them out of direct sunlight as much as possible. Still, you'll need to have some sort of cooling system in the tent in order to keep it from becoming unbearably hot. 

Tent fans are a cost-effective way to keep air moving in a tent without charging a fortune for electricity. It is best to place fans in corners or in every section of a larger tent, as this is where they perform best.

A tent event scheduled for midday might be a necessity for you depending on your booking, but in summer tent events are always better scheduled during the later part of the afternoon because the heat usually comes off in the evening. As a result, you will not only catch a stunning sunset, but you will also save a lot on cooling costs.


In case the weather is not stable you need to think about how to keep your party tent warm. Endless Events Group offers customers two options: electric heaters or Frost Fighter. In addition to energy source, the only difference you need to consider is the size of your tent and the number of guests.

  • Frost Fighter

The Frost Fighter is portable and simple to operate heater. It provides clean, heated air that is free of moisture and contaminated fumes. With quick connect ducts, heated air can be dispersed over a large area, and a remote thermostat can be used to maintain desired temperature levels.

  • Electric Heater

Electric tent heaters are used in small rooms and tents where there is a power connection or generator. With this tent heater, heat is generated electrically. With their small footprints and small sizes, electric heaters are easily moved and placed around the tent.

It is necessary to enclose any space in order to control its temperature. Sidewall panels should be hung from the roof of a tent to enclose it, leaving no more than 10-20 feet of open space for entry and exit.

To avoid malfunctions or failures during your event, it is highly recommended you have your tent heaters installed by the rental company. Additionally, this allows professionals to assess the power access availability and run extension cords safely.

Back-up plan

Make sure you have a back-up plan in case of adverse weather conditions. You can ask your event planner about possible second locations in your area. It would be extremely helpful to have a backup location ready in case of bad weather, such as a cultural hall or a community center.

During a storm that includes lightning, severe wind, and/or heavy rain, tents and canopies might not provide sufficient protection. It is important to keep in mind that rain and electricity don't mix, so you may not be able to have music, sound, or lighting if you decide to hold your outdoor celebration in the rain.

There are specific rules in case of lighting storm:

  • No one should ever be under a tent in a lighting storm, because the lighting could strike the peak of the tent and could cause harm to anyone nearby.

  • If during the event anyone sees lighting while in the tent they should evacuate from the tent.

  • It is also Endless Events Group's policy not to set up any tents during a lighting storm in order to avoid hazards.


In case of rain, it is important to avoid placing your tent over low spots in the ground that could result in flooding. Make sure the water drainage around your tent site will drain away from not towards the tent center if it rains.


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